Billah A1, Jabber TS2, Sultana R3, Dolon F4, Nahar M5, Akter MN6.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to find out the effectiveness of intrauterine hydrostatic ballon for the management of Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH). Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of Dhaka Medical College Hospital during the period of July, 2016 to December, 2016. Thirty five patients, admitted in the obstetrics ward having PPH included for this study. A questionnaire was used to collect information on age, parity, gestational week, antenatal care, mode of delivery, time interval of PPH. Medical management to control PPH was taken initially. If failed, hydrostatic ballooning by condom was done before proceeding for major surgical methods. The outcome measures by collecting information of time interval of condom introduction and PPH, duration of keeping condom, other management of PPH and days of hospital stay. Results: It was found that all the patients had one or multiple risk factors or complicating factors in the antenatal period which ended in early or late postpartum hemorrhage. Out of 35 patients 18 (51.43%) develop PPH immediately, 13(37.14) within 1-24 hours, 3 (8.57) within 25-72 hrs and 1 (2.86%) within 4 days to 2 weeks. In 28 (80%) cases condom introduce within 4 hours of PPH development and in rest 7 (20%) cases introduced within 5-24 hours. In 16(45.7%) cases it was kept for 24 hours and in 19(54.28%) cases was kept for 48 hours. There were no serious morbidity and bleeding was controlled effectively in all the cases. Conclusion: This procedure is very safe, easy, does not require anesthesia, any logistic support and cheap. It can be given by primary health care provider at gross root level without referring to higher center and loosing much blood. Uteri of young women can save to conserve their reproductive capacity.