Begum M1, Akther N2, Salim F3, Doha M4, Khan S5, Chowdhury S6
Background: Health is a basic requirement to improve quality of
life. The lack of participation in health services is a problem that has many
dimensions and complexities. This study examines the utilization of health care
facili- ties to the selected rural area of Bangladesh. It has also revealed the
patient’s views towards health care facilities in Bangladesh. Objective: To
identify the socio-demographic determinants and to assess the utilization of
health care facilities. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was
conducted among the rural people of Shafipur union parisad of kaliakair
upazilla of Gazipur district, Dhaka. Purposive sampling technique was used. The
sample size of the study was 168. Data were collected to elicit the information
on various Socio-demographic and the utilization of health care facilities.
Results: Study was conducted on 168 respondents among them maxi- mum were in
between the age of 20-29; 75(44.64%), maximum 134(79.76%) were educated and
139(82.74%) were female. Most of the respondents mentioned that, in their area
non-government hospitals were slightly more 85(44.98%) in comparison to
government hospitals 83(52.20%). Most of the respondents132 (78.57%) received health
services, among them 83(54.61%) from non-government facilities and 72(42.86%)
were satisfied with non-government services. Conclusion: Our findings suggested
that facilities enhancing improved health care could benefit in health
awareness. Government should emphasis on establishing more health care
facilities in rural area and more doctors should be appointed for better health
care services. Special policy attention to address the regional difference of
utilization facilities about health care in rural area of Bangladesh.